To get it, first you need to get a fire extinguisher. Peterson's House on the second floor behind a large grate. In the panel near the door to the room, you need to enter the password that The Guest enters or fly there using a fire extinguisher or a hat with a propeller. Peterson's House in the room where the children room used to be. You can find a few of them in the supermarket. Located on the bed, at the bottom of the pond. To take it, you need to put a man on the toilet (or on the couch) in the dollhouse and return to the bathroom ( or couch room right across the hall.) After training, the mount is behind bars, in the electric flap, at the top of the room with a platform. After training, you can find it in the attic (the same as in the previous version). In training, the mount can be seen in the trunk of Nicky Roth's Car. Initially, it is hot and so easy to pick it up. Now it is attached to a torn wire, from which blue flashes of light come. Located in the same room where it was in Alpha 3. The mount hangs on a carnation on a wooden pole. Located on the third floor, in a room under a roof with a blue lamp.

After training, the crowbar can be found in the workshop and on the antenna on the roof. It is located in the trunk of Nicky Roth's Car. Peterson's bedroom, under the bed, as well as in the garage. After a nightmare with the Giant Neighbor, you can see on the wall in the garage. Now they have animations removing the plank. It also happens more naturally, in Hello Guest Prototype these were found in the supermarket and there were to quit of the nails of the panic room, in Hello Guest "Pre Alpha" (announcement trailer version) a crowbar with a different model appeared to remove nails from the elevator building but in Alpha 1 the crowbar was removed but the same crowbar is in the files.In Hello Neighbor 2 Alpha 1, the crowbar was brought back. Starting with Beta 3, only the top of the crowbar is cooled, and then the mount itself. Peterson, and then return to the crowbar several times. The alternative is to wait for it to cool down, or to come across Mr.

After a few seconds of watering, the mount will cool down. To cool it, you need to fill the watering can with water from under the bathtub or sink and start watering the crowbar, or put it there with the electromagnet. If you pick it up, the crowbar will fall out of the hands of Nicky Roth with a characteristic hissing sound. Starting with Alpha 4, the crowbar is initially red-hot. In Pre-Alpha - Alpha 2, it looks like a crowbar with a red handle and grey ends.Īlpha 3 has changed the appearance of the crowbar, now it's more disproportionate.